This weekend I met up with an old friend. He lost 10 pounds over the summer. Do you know how he did it. Well he just changed his lifestyle a little. He started eating more raw vegetables, less white flour products, less sugar and wow he shed 10 pounds.
Did you know that B vitamins are extremely important to help control your weight? Coconut oil helps lose weight as well.
So what can you eat instead of white flour products? Quinoa is amazing sprouted, and cooked.. Kamut is a grain with lots of protein. They are both filling and satisfying. Last week I bought noodles made out of mung beans they are simply delicious.
I am giving a demo on how to make woven kamut challah this week, it is usually lots of fun.
I have a great quinoa flour cookie recipe that I will share with you soon.
Oh and my coconut fudge is to die for. Or how about coconut crème desserts…yum..
Anyone want to join me in the kitchen and cook up a storm? stay tuned for more classes and info.
Speak to you soon, have a good week or until next time.