I have suffered for years with reflux and other gastronomic maladies. I’m not one who takes medication lightly and I was so sure that nothing I do would make a difference. So I ate and suffered.
That is until I met Surie!
Surie explained to me exactly the chemistry and the dynamics of my situation. She calmly and clearly explained how I can actually heal myself.
I was looking forward to productively healing my body instead of just masking the symptoms with medication.
Surie throughly explained which foods wouldn’t aggravate my condition and which foods would actually work towards healing me.
It is now 10 months later and though I cannot always keep strictly to the recommended diet I do not experience the symptoms how I have felt them before.
In general I feel better! I have increased energy and my cholesterol has gone down. Furthermore, Surie has given me tasty, healthy recipes, foods I enjoy!